New book shares childhood memories of El Reno, Oklahoma in the 1960s and 70s.


North Ellison Avenue Press OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA – June 20, 2022 – Musician, Author and Entrepreneur, Maurice Johnson announces his latest book release, Dragonfly Summers, A Dream Before Tomorrow.

Dragonfly Summers, A Dream Before Tomorrow is a historical narrative of childhood summers that spans from Milwaukee Wisconsin’s West Vliet Street, to the red clay dirt roads of El Reno Oklahoma. Maurice Johnson chronicles stories of ancestry, kinship and coming of age, documenting the transformative years and unanswered questions of youth, growing up as young Timmy Johnson, throughout the 1960s and 70s. Both dramatic and heartwarming, the summer of 1964 was a pivotal point that changed life forever.

“Having arrived to ElReno, Oklahoma in 1964 at age five, the experience growing up was my own, viewed solely from my childhood lens. As a young boy, I took comfort in the familiar surroundings that so long defined my part of the world—on the street where we lived among friends neighbors and community.”

“Such an amazing read, so full of wonderful research.”
—Vicki Proctor, President of Canadian County Historical Society Museum

“A statement not made lightly: Maurice Johnson may be the most positive-minded person I know. And certainly one of the finest artists. Look for the genesis of the two and you come up with Maurice’s epic, Dragonfly Summers, A Dream Before Tomorrow. An aching, meaningful recounting of life that inspires us to do the same.” 

—Al Mertens, Screenwriter / Director 

Milwaukee born Maurice Johnson spent his prominent childhood years growing up in El Reno, Oklahoma. A Jazz guitarist, author, entrepreneur, publishing consultant and motivator, Maurice Johnson is a man of many talents and accomplishments. He enjoys exploring his ancestry and encouraging others to tell their life story.

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Milwaukee born Maurice Johnson spent his prominent childhood years growing up in El Reno, Oklahoma. A Jazz guitarist, author, entrepreneur, publishing consultant and motivator, Maurice Johnson is a man of many talents and accomplishments. He enjoys exploring his ancestry and encouraging others to tell their life story.

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