Where Do Great Writing Ideas Come from?

I’m sure you’ll agree, ideas and motivation to write can derive from many sources. Often a real life occurrence, memories or a personality trait will work its way into your writing or a plot twist. Simple real-life interactions I’ve witnessed or experienced myself, especially the unique quirky idiosyncrasies of a friend, family member, or a distant observation of someone while out and about. Whatever the motivation, embrace it, use it. It’s the random, often unexpected things that can become a goldmine of inadvertent inventive writing ideas. Don’t overlook it. Real-life can make a great co-author. —Maurice Johnson / OCWI President

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Maurice Johnson Posted on

Milwaukee born Maurice Johnson spent his prominent childhood years growing up in El Reno, Oklahoma. A Jazz guitarist, author, entrepreneur, publishing consultant and motivator, Maurice Johnson is a man of many talents and accomplishments. He enjoys exploring his ancestry and encouraging others to tell their life story.

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